DFWC site

-> You may have noticed the servers got pretty unstable a few weeks ago. That was due to a mass test of a new way of coding (we can load code dynamically at runtime). Now everything is stable again. :)

-> We could also fix some long unknown bugs thanks to [userid=775] and [userid=160]
Thanks, both for you to be so kind informing us about these issues.

-> We both can't look at all these servers all the time. That's why we are thinking about nominating a few server admins. If you think you can handle this task write us an email. You can find the address in the Contact Section.

Posted by  <hk>
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7 Responses to "Bug fixes"

  1. 1#  frnk
    Jul 19th, '08, 06:01 QUOTE

    looks like the q3w8 wasn't fixed.

  2. 2#  fLk
    Jul 19th, '08, 09:50 QUOTE

    nice lovetka !!

  3. Jul 19th, '08, 14:17 QUOTE

    qwerty for president!

  4. 4#  Yotoon!
    Jul 19th, '08, 15:04 QUOTE

    I can help with the website if its possible. I've got a nice mdd site design i did couple of months ago, its unfinished tho. I've also got some fresh ideas about the site.
    If u guys are interested, let me know. I will gladly help out :)

  5. Jul 19th, '08, 19:09 QUOTE

    ty for the kind words my fellow friend

  6. 6#  MadM
    Aug 29th, '09, 20:01 QUOTE


  7. Sep 1st, '15, 08:26 QUOTE

    qwerty for president!


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