DFWC site

Since people keep asking us about it we made up some rules for all servers connected to the record database.


-- Update --

I deleted all times of
[userid=2], CaNaBiS, [userid=23], [userid=68], Garu and [userid=313]
due to triggerlagging.

Posted by  <hk>

61 Responses to "Server policy"

  1. 1#  aadad
    Jun 22nd, '08, 22:42 QUOTE

    clean me

  2. Jun 22nd, '08, 23:00 QUOTE

    clean you ?

  3. 3#  aadad
    Jun 22nd, '08, 23:03 QUOTE


    @cvl: my account

  4. 4#  [gt]glm
    Jun 22nd, '08, 23:19 QUOTE

    ye clean his account - del all strafe recs :D

  5. 5#  speed
    Jun 22nd, '08, 23:27 QUOTE

    you need to go get him a bath

  6. 6#  aadad
    Jun 22nd, '08, 23:30 QUOTE

    @[gt]glm: that doesn't imply your just gained #1's are permanent :D

  7. Jun 22nd, '08, 23:42 QUOTE

    oh ok, why if i may ask ?:)

  8. 8#  khtti
    Jun 23rd, '08, 00:17 QUOTE

    not very enforceable? (#2)

  9. 9#  fLk
    Jun 23rd, '08, 00:43 QUOTE

    I think wesp starting now:D bardok-statik down:D

  10. 10#  frnk
    Jun 23rd, '08, 02:14 QUOTE

    nice work :D

  11. 11#  like@boss
    Jun 23rd, '08, 02:36 QUOTE

    ^1g^5o^3o^7d ^6w^4o^2r^5k

  12. 12#  UFO
    Jun 23rd, '08, 06:40 QUOTE


  13. 13#  bEnz
    Jun 23rd, '08, 07:38 QUOTE

    fair, but who cares about this guys :)

  14. 14#  Yotoon!
    Jun 23rd, '08, 07:53 QUOTE

    ^1cool^3! :)

  15. Jun 23rd, '08, 08:25 QUOTE

    wut about scrolled stairs? ;)

  16. 16#  <hk>
    Jun 23rd, '08, 08:37 QUOTE

    despite the name. mwheel is not a script. The fast jumping comes from the geometric design of the mouse. I don't like it, but i don't consider it a cheat. You may not use it anyway.

  17. 17#  (: v
    Jun 23rd, '08, 10:08 QUOTE

    You have some lagcheated trigger times in your list too falky:> So im suprised you times arent entirely removed too

  18. 18#  <hk>
    Jun 23rd, '08, 10:35 QUOTE

    I deleted lovet-alters times yesterday. He told me himself he used a lagcheat despite having lot's of times. That's fair behavior i think.

    btw. If you use mwheel cheat you might push your luck to hard to it's limits. Using mwheel-jumping is a minus on my imaginary list. Besides. When something is not forbidden you can't say it's legal. You guys know when you are cheating. So don't wonder if you have to carry the consequences.

  19. 19#  [gt]glm
    Jun 23rd, '08, 10:42 QUOTE

    how you will be forbid scripts in future?

  20. 20#  CyreZ
    Jun 23rd, '08, 10:52 QUOTE

    gj ! now i might login sometime <3

  21. 21#  sdf
    Jun 23rd, '08, 11:48 QUOTE

    u should delete my times too then

    i lagged triggers a lot and i also used a rocketscript on one map to get a random ob.

    also i feel better when my times are gone, because im not gonna play anymore anyway.

  22. Jun 23rd, '08, 13:42 QUOTE

    I like to pee

  23. 23#  fLk
    Jun 23rd, '08, 16:35 QUOTE

    hk if you deleted sdf and lovet pleas deleted my too..I too useing much screenshotcheats...this is colegiality :D

  24. 24#  |DA|^Rum
    Jun 23rd, '08, 17:12 QUOTE

    it's good to see ppl being honest about their behaviors and owning up to the fact that had illegitimate times

  25. 25#  frnk
    Jun 23rd, '08, 17:47 QUOTE

    i love how like the whole community is coming out about lag cheating that is freaking crazy how many people care about getting a good time LOL.


    I'm quite suprised how many people would do this. Just have a good time ffs. In a few years this will be a memory of how much time was wasted :)


  26. Jun 23rd, '08, 19:05 QUOTE

    I did if if rank1 was cheated, to use the same means seems fair to me.

    And didnt do it to get good times, i was one of the few that logged in on almoast every map, while beeing far from best on most of them. I wanted my timed recorded because i delete my demos often and format my comp often aswell.

    What still amazes me is that lagging is a crime from hell, while TR and stairscript and almoast zwob, is superdupermegaskill to do.

  27. 27#  sdf
    Jun 23rd, '08, 21:14 QUOTE

    wheres the fun ?

  28. 28#  <hk>
    Jun 23rd, '08, 21:27 QUOTE

    So you want me to ban binds enabling the player to execute multiple comands within a unnatural short amount of time? That's no problem for me to put it up there in the list. But do i really have to do that just for you guys to be happy and not cheat anymore?

  29. 29#  frnk
    Jun 23rd, '08, 21:35 QUOTE


    I know it's sad to say this but yeah you would probably have to do that so people don't cheat. I know it's pathetic but, these people can't seem to help themselves from trying to cheat. Mwheeling is lame when these people do on on every map that has like 5 steps to climb. I've done it on annoying maps that are all stairs and it made the map more fun but that hasn't happened in a long time. As I just don't play those kinds of maps anymore.

  30. 30#  khtti
    Jun 23rd, '08, 21:37 QUOTE

    comparing zwob or wheelbinds to intentional unnatural lagging is a lot of lol

  31. 31#  sdf
    Jun 23rd, '08, 23:04 QUOTE

    firs off u should allow speccing everybody... then comes mwheel

  32. 32#  <hk>
    Jun 24th, '08, 08:12 QUOTE

    Today i learned, That the mwheel script has to consist of at least 3 commands involving 2 jump related commands. This means mwheeling is covered by the policy and is hereby cheat.

    I never forbade spectating. You can spectate everyone if you like. Some people are not amused by that though. Don't come to me if they don't let you watch. It's not your right to spectate someone. So you can't force it. Online gameing may be good for watching others, but there are just a few who don't like that. Give them their peace.

  33. Jun 24th, '08, 12:54 QUOTE

    :P ze to wespa stale bavi..

  34. 34#  aadad
    Jun 24th, '08, 14:12 QUOTE

    As a sidenote:
    The standard rj script used by 80% contains of 5 commands
    (+- moveup, +- attack, wait) and is as much a script, if not more
    2 keypresses vs 1

  35. Jun 24th, '08, 19:41 QUOTE

    Good rules, Im wondering why they were not made earlier.

  36. 36#  Od3b'''
    Jun 25th, '08, 19:54 QUOTE

    woow, lagcheat!?rj script!!!! i hope it s not the majority of players!!!!
    hud is free?

  37. 37#  fLk
    Jun 26th, '08, 06:21 QUOTE

    :D falky deleted ... ... :D

  38. 38#  -MdC-Ge3k
    Jun 26th, '08, 20:05 QUOTE

    Good rules i think too :) i didn't know script existing execpt the rj script !!

  39. Jun 27th, '08, 15:31 QUOTE

    mmm stairjump script forbiden ? kid u can say "papa" })

  40. 40#  Mystic
    Jun 28th, '08, 06:41 QUOTE

    all thats left to do is force login so there are actually times on map rather then.... me and lovet and SLAYERMAN!!!! someway of preventing tr and wallstrafe would be nice too :o) oh and trust people to not do any of the banned things llolololololololollololollololol

  41. 41#  khtti
    Jun 28th, '08, 07:47 QUOTE

    now WALLSTRAFE is abuse?

    hm rightstrafe feels bad, lets all only use left

  42. 42#  Mystic
    Jun 28th, '08, 07:54 QUOTE


    its just shit boring and ruins a map its used on, like tr, which is why i put it in the same group.

  43. Jun 28th, '08, 11:11 QUOTE

    In that case lets ban cj too. Some players make 600+ ups on their first jump. It's just not fair...

  44. 44#  Mystic
    Jun 28th, '08, 11:47 QUOTE


  45. Jun 28th, '08, 12:30 QUOTE

    TR will never be removed, its a map related thing, noob mapper = noob tr.
    @ wallstrafe, LOL, lets remove everything mystic dont like :DDDD

  46. Jun 28th, '08, 12:54 QUOTE

    btw is Mystic records removed?

  47. 47#  sdf
    Jun 28th, '08, 12:59 QUOTE

    i still got times recorded...

    IM A CHEATER.. get it.

    what about forbidding black colors in login names. dont wanna change my console background. and what about tr and prejumping ?

  48. 48#  aadad
    Jun 28th, '08, 13:35 QUOTE

    why not let's add a handicap for good players too:
    g_speed decreases by 1 per each record


  49. Jun 28th, '08, 13:59 QUOTE

    [2337]w if so u will have a backward speed haha:)

  50. Jun 28th, '08, 14:17 QUOTE

    wtf ppl stop whining about nonsens

  51. 51#  omgwtfbbq
    Jun 28th, '08, 16:54 QUOTE

    There we go berzerk, agreed

  52. 52#  |DA|^Rum
    Jun 28th, '08, 18:16 QUOTE


  53. 53#  <hk>
    Jun 28th, '08, 18:17 QUOTE

    Vote passed

  54. Jun 28th, '08, 23:57 QUOTE

    sdf quote:
    what about forbidding black colors in login names. dont wanna change my console background. and what about tr and prejumping ?
    : sdf quote

    hope that was a joke :D

  55. 55#  Yorb
    Jul 3rd, '08, 14:01 QUOTE

    yaaaay for punishing cheaters!

  56. 56#  AL!EN
    Jul 3rd, '08, 14:24 QUOTE


    lvL*Nightmarel & gp_chronic : demos or they lagged = wipe records.

  57. 57#  Mystic
    Jul 3rd, '08, 14:26 QUOTE


  58. 58#  frnk
    Jul 3rd, '08, 19:42 QUOTE

    lol al1en u sound like remis.

  59. Jul 19th, '08, 00:47 QUOTE

    [oz] a.k.a. m4u is not Greek he is from Hungary.

  60. 60#  UFO
    Jul 23rd, '08, 20:59 QUOTE

    No! m4a is greek, not hungarian!

  61. 61#  omgwtfbbq
    Jul 24th, '08, 10:49 QUOTE

    Does it really matter that much where hes from ?

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