DFWC site

We rebuilt the entire command system. It is now way more flexible. Type !help !<commandname> for a usage description.
parameters marked in [] brackets are optional (not needed).
parameters marked in <> brackets are essential (needed).

The !oldtop command is implemented again.

!oldtop [map] [physic.mode] [show]
If you type !oldtop without any parametes, it will print the top10 of the current map at the current physic.
!oldtop vq3 will display the top10 of this map in vq3 to you.
!oldtop cpm.2 show will display the top10 of the current map in cpm mode 2 for everyone on the server.

!top [map] [physic.mode] [show]
the same as !oldtop

!time [nick] [map] [physic.mode]

!rank <number>
You have to put the number of a rank here.
It will display the player on the given rank to everyone on the server.
!random [count]
displays some random mapnames. You can specify the number of maps shown by adding a number up to 10.

!mytime [map] [physic.mode]
displays the best time you scored on this map .

please note that you now can login via !login <username> <password> too from

-> In all commands you don't have to care about the order of the commands. They will work anyway.
!top show pplasma3 cpm.2 will work too.
-> These changes are only on the 2337 testserver. If it is stable we will move it to all the other servers as well.

Posted by  <hk>
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14 Responses to "New Serverimage"

  1. 1#  cLd
    Aug 3rd, '08, 21:01 QUOTE

    Awesome, great work guys!

  2. Aug 3rd, '08, 21:56 QUOTE

    I love oldtop being back :)

  3. Aug 3rd, '08, 22:47 QUOTE

    yep me2

  4. 4#  Mystic
    Aug 4th, '08, 00:17 QUOTE


  5. 5#  Yotoon!
    Aug 4th, '08, 12:20 QUOTE

    much <3!

  6. 6#  Yotoon!
    Aug 4th, '08, 14:24 QUOTE

    hmm when u type !login user pass in the console, ur username and password will appear to others right?

  7. 7#  <hk>
    Aug 4th, '08, 17:05 QUOTE


  8. 8#  <hk>
    Aug 4th, '08, 17:10 QUOTE

    well, as long as you keep typing into teh console. You should not use the say command.

  9. 9#  Yotoon!
    Aug 4th, '08, 19:03 QUOTE

    ok then :)

  10. 10#  Yotoon!
    Aug 4th, '08, 19:03 QUOTE

    Any news about ELO ranking?

  11. 11#  Mystic
    Aug 5th, '08, 03:43 QUOTE


  12. 12#  -MdC-Ge3k
    Aug 5th, '08, 18:06 QUOTE

    It's true, nice work :)

  13. 13#  |DA|^Rum
    Aug 8th, '08, 19:56 QUOTE


  14. 14#  BorisXIV
    Aug 25th, '08, 16:03 QUOTE


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