DFWC site

[userid=178] made a better version of our current server list.
We fixed some minor bugs, too.

Posted by  chicken
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12 Responses to "Website update"

  1. 1#  ILGP
    May 4th, '10, 00:09 QUOTE

    Awesome! Btw, my best cpm time is displayed at st1 vq3.

  2. 2#  dS-p
    May 4th, '10, 00:45 QUOTE


  3. 3#  albion
    May 4th, '10, 01:38 QUOTE

    Awesome! Btw, my best cpm time is displayed at st1 vq3.

    Seems like this bug occurs whenever I have a cpm time on a map that's currently being played on vq3 :p

  4. May 4th, '10, 01:38 QUOTE

    ...just another day in paradise

  5. May 4th, '10, 02:51 QUOTE

    id cry if i was abre to, good job

  6. 6#  Yotoon!
    May 4th, '10, 09:35 QUOTE

    Not bad. I got some thoughts on this tho:
    - The defrag version is not that important and it could be moved to the top right corner (just after the server name)
    - I don't like the new info to be aligned to the center. Can you align the titles (Physics, Current rank 1) to the left side and the info (vq3, 13.33 ([flag] name)) to the right side.
    - Also, it would be nice if you could highlight the 1st rank time somehow (make it yellow/green)

    Nice to see something happening on the website. ^2:)

  7. May 4th, '10, 10:35 QUOTE

    good suggestions yotoon. highfive.

  8. May 4th, '10, 12:28 QUOTE


  9. 9#  2laat?
    May 4th, '10, 12:43 QUOTE


  10. 10#  a1ex
    May 4th, '10, 16:05 QUOTE

    nais job tnx!!!

  11. 11#  [gt]tech
    May 4th, '10, 21:07 QUOTE


  12. 12#  AmberEcho
    Aug 26th, '24, 12:22 QUOTE

    A website update involves refreshing content, improving design, and enhancing functionality to boost user experience and performance. directv packages This can include new features, updated graphics, and optimized navigation. Regular updates keep your site current, secure, and engaging, ensuring it meets the evolving needs of your audience and stays competitive.

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