DFWC site

Deleted (2010-04-24):
[userid=2783] (strafebot) [ demo ]
[userid=56] (phop[like rj] script) [ demo ] 2nd time

Merged (2010-05-03):
[userid=1965] INTO [userid=2983]
[userid=1391] AND [userid=1716] INTO [userid=1912]

Posted by  <hk>
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65 Responses to "cleanup"

  1. 1#  X>8
    Apr 24th, '10, 10:04 QUOTE


  2. 2#  2laat?
    Apr 24th, '10, 10:48 QUOTE

    ah how could you delete thai ass? i mean, thai body with thai ass deleted looks ugly and not possible.
    with dangerous aspects you're trying to play here, hk..

  3. Apr 24th, '10, 10:49 QUOTE


  4. Apr 24th, '10, 12:54 QUOTE

    ror noes !

  5. 5#  aadad
    Apr 24th, '10, 13:03 QUOTE

    lolz idiot (tyaz, not hk)

  6. 6#  ILGP
    Apr 24th, '10, 14:13 QUOTE

    That was pretty obviously hunny botting. But I guess it's not allowed to give out account details.

  7. 7#  wtf
    Apr 24th, '10, 16:41 QUOTE


  8. 8#  frnk
    Apr 24th, '10, 16:56 QUOTE

    hahaha mo cheatin

  9. Apr 25th, '10, 14:42 QUOTE


  10. 10#  sdf
    Apr 25th, '10, 18:49 QUOTE


  11. 11#  BorisXIV
    Apr 25th, '10, 23:17 QUOTE

    benz benz benz, didn't expect that from you :P

  12. 12#  <hk>
    Apr 25th, '10, 23:56 QUOTE

    benz benz benz, didn't expect that from you :P


  13. 13#  albion
    Apr 26th, '10, 02:25 QUOTE

    Comment on the 'benz-offence' here:

    The 'last modified dates' don't seem to be OK though :s last demo from userID 56 is from 8th of February, that's from last time if I'm correct (the date you've deleted a bunch of people's recs, including benz's) :O

    So does this mean you forgot to upload the new cheatdemo or it's just an old demo? :O

    And why am I the first one to actually notice that?

  14. 14#  albion
    Apr 26th, '10, 02:26 QUOTE

    Btw, I'm not trying to talk rightuous about the use of phop or anything, I just found it odd that the dates were off for over a month.

  15. 15#  frnk
    Apr 26th, '10, 03:10 QUOTE

    so sad people feel the need to hack.

  16. 16#  <hk>
    Apr 26th, '10, 03:50 QUOTE

    Thanks. I accidentally uploaded the wrong demo.

  17. 17#  albion
    Apr 26th, '10, 07:27 QUOTE

    Thanks. I accidentally uploaded the wrong demo.

    You're welcome :D

  18. Apr 26th, '10, 07:46 QUOTE

    Albion raped you, I must be right about you hk :)))

  19. 19#  albion
    Apr 26th, '10, 13:34 QUOTE

    Albion raped you, I must be right about you hk :)))

    lol. :p

  20. Apr 26th, '10, 14:38 QUOTE

    reset the fucking db

  21. Apr 28th, '10, 11:21 QUOTE

    The funny thing is that most of the people who use these strafebots online are really terrible at it.

  22. 22#  [1337]
    Apr 28th, '10, 11:53 QUOTE

    Albion raped you, I must be right about you hk :)))

    lol. :p

    np alb, all in good health

  23. 23#  [gt]neiT.
    Apr 28th, '10, 22:44 QUOTE

    proof demos for bEnz cheating are old...both of them...

  24. 24#  frnk
    Apr 29th, '10, 05:50 QUOTE

    proof demos for bEnz cheating are old...both of them...

    Doesnt change the fact he cheated.

  25. 25#  <hk>
    Apr 29th, '10, 14:20 QUOTE

    Also the newer one is from 2010-04-25. I wouldn't call that "old".

  26. Apr 29th, '10, 14:45 QUOTE

    sad story, that some dont care about the rules,
    but i understand the fact that there are somehow diffrent ways of cheating.
    this one is a minor cheat, and benz tends to see it as ok.

    what do you think about the idea, to flag the accounts and times with the specific cheat he used. so it would be possible to filter the fair results from the half fair ect. as i said, some ppl dont care about this very specific cheat (me for example).

    not sure how this will affect the database.
    profit here is:
    ppl can decide by themself how they play.
    keeping account and times.
    possibilty to flag own times with the cheat that they used. (moveup script, strafebot, turnscript, ect)

    ppl not being rule aware anymore.
    work for the hated admins (show em some love plx)
    detecting cheats becomes more important for every record set.

    reply plx

  27. 27#  ILGP
    Apr 29th, '10, 16:29 QUOTE

    26#^2Allison Stokke^7
    sad story, that some dont care about the rules,
    but i understand the fact that there are somehow diffrent ways of cheating.
    this one is a minor cheat, and benz tends to see it as ok.

    what do you think about the idea, to flag the accounts and times with the specific cheat he used. so it would be possible to filter the fair results from the half fair ect. as i said, some ppl dont care about this very specific cheat (me for example).

    not sure how this will affect the database.
    profit here is:
    ppl can decide by themself how they play.
    keeping account and times.
    possibilty to flag own times with the cheat that they used. (moveup script, strafebot, turnscript, ect)

    ppl not being rule aware anymore.
    work for the hated admins (show em some love plx)
    detecting cheats becomes more important for every record set.

    reply plx

    Won't work. Will be pointless going after a cheated or half-cheated record. The whole competition idea would become pretty fucked etc.

  28. 28#  frnk
    Apr 29th, '10, 17:22 QUOTE

    What the fuck is a half cheat? You either cheat something or you don't. Hey I only beat him half to death. Hey I only half raped the 6 year old girl. I only stuck 6inches of my 12 inch dick inside her.

  29. 29#  [1337]
    Apr 29th, '10, 18:18 QUOTE


  30. 30#  albion
    Apr 29th, '10, 18:49 QUOTE

    29#^1n^7OO^1by ^7w^1OO^7by^7


  31. 31#  ILGP
    Apr 29th, '10, 19:39 QUOTE

    What the fuck is a half cheat? You either cheat something or you don't. Hey I only beat him half to death. Hey I only half raped the 6 year old girl. I only stuck 6inches of my 12 inch dick inside her.

    Phop script is obviously not as brutal as strafebot...

  32. 32#  frnk
    Apr 30th, '10, 05:01 QUOTE

    What the fuck is a half cheat? You either cheat something or you don't. Hey I only beat him half to death. Hey I only half raped the 6 year old girl. I only stuck 6inches of my 12 inch dick inside her.

    Phop script is obviously not as brutal as strafebot...

    sure it is. its a cheat. CHEATS R CHEATS and should be treated as so.
    hey phop is not as bad as a strafe bot so lets let it slide, next time someone gets caught with yaw script, well we let phop script go and since yaw script isnt as bad as a strafe bot lets says its not so bad and let it go. eventually well strafe botting is okay.

  33. 33#  hykon.se
    Apr 30th, '10, 10:51 QUOTE

    What the fuck is a half cheat? You either cheat something or you don't. Hey I only beat him half to death. Hey I only half raped the 6 year old girl. I only stuck 6inches of my 12 inch dick inside her.

    Phop script is obviously not as brutal as strafebot...

    sure it is. its a cheat. CHEATS R CHEATS and should be treated as so.
    hey phop is not as bad as a strafe bot so lets let it slide, next time someone gets caught with yaw script, well we let phop script go and since yaw script isnt as bad as a strafe bot lets says its not so bad and let it go. eventually well strafe botting is okay.

    (Y) hykon likes this.

  34. May 3rd, '10, 09:16 QUOTE

    Why did you merge those you fucking dumb prick? You know for a fact that isnt me, youre such a shit fucking admin FU.

  35. May 3rd, '10, 11:29 QUOTE

    1. no, officially, he didn't knew for fact.
    2. if someone logs in with more than one account, hk merges em
    3. ffs, gtfo you lyin sob :/

  36. May 3rd, '10, 12:26 QUOTE

    34#Spare Account.^7
    Why did you merge those you fucking dumb prick? You know for a fact that isnt me, youre such a shit fucking admin FU.

    Hahaha, rage more! :D

  37. 37#  ifoo
    May 3rd, '10, 13:29 QUOTE


  38. 38#  albion
    May 3rd, '10, 14:50 QUOTE

    hk you forgot to merge this account http://www.q3df.org//rankings/id-1716 with bazz :D

  39. 39#  aadad
    May 3rd, '10, 15:23 QUOTE

    When merging please as well supply proofs, e.g. 2 demos that were recorded by the same player on different accounts.

    Otherwise it's just a witchhunt.

  40. May 3rd, '10, 17:06 QUOTE

    1. no, officially, he didn't knew for fact.
    2. if someone logs in with more than one account, hk merges em
    3. ffs, gtfo you lyin sob :/

    hunny dont rage because you're scared to duel

  41. 41#  <hk>
    May 3rd, '10, 17:21 QUOTE

    When merging please as well supply proofs, e.g. 2 demos that were recorded by the same player on different accounts.

    Otherwise it's just a witchhunt.

    I can upload some demos indeed but you won't see anything on them. I go by IP-Addresses. Same day - Same IP-Address. Also Bazz IP-Addresses are almoast static.

    Whichhunting is done by many on one. This is not the case here.

  42. 42#  albion
    May 3rd, '10, 17:54 QUOTE

    When merging please as well supply proofs, e.g. 2 demos that were recorded by the same player on different accounts.

    Otherwise it's just a witchhunt.

    I can upload some demos indeed but you won't see anything on them. I go by IP-Addresses. Same day - Same IP-Address. Also Bazz IP-Addresses are almoast static.

    Whichhunting is done by many on one. This is not the case here.

    Still Bb:) is still his old account, he says he asked you several times to delete/merge it :O

  43. May 3rd, '10, 17:57 QUOTE

    hk is a crap admin

  44. 44#  umm.what?
    May 3rd, '10, 23:52 QUOTE

    I WANT MY RECORDS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    DO YOU HEAR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!|
    THIS IS BULL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  45. May 4th, '10, 01:45 QUOTE

    40#Spare Account.^7
    1. no, officially, he didn't knew for fact.
    2. if someone logs in with more than one account, hk merges em
    3. ffs, gtfo you lyin sob :/

    hunny dont rage because you're scared to duel

    1. i was the one asking for a duel
    2. dun got ur wanted LAN-MOD installed
    3. i would have installed it, but u disagreed to take another server
    4. u gave me a server on which u had a way better ping
    5. lol, again, i asked for duel

  46. 46#  umm.what?
    May 4th, '10, 01:55 QUOTE


  47. May 4th, '10, 02:36 QUOTE


    i saw u cheating y u were logged in this morning, y should i stop kicking you?

  48. 48#  umm.what?
    May 4th, '10, 03:11 QUOTE

    bc i fucking said so

  49. May 4th, '10, 03:50 QUOTE

    sry, wont do what patheticrittreuneducateddouchytardyfuckysucky want me to..btw nice try carrin mes a jew, me bes uber-ARISCH (=

  50. 50#  umm.what?
    May 4th, '10, 04:51 QUOTE

    snitches get stitches and dumped in ditches like bitches. and JEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!

  51. May 4th, '10, 05:21 QUOTE

    Spare Account. 7:992 3/6
    the dormouse 4:728 1/6

    and you just got hardcore raped

  52. May 4th, '10, 08:42 QUOTE

    hunny n00b :))) scared 2 duel.

  53. May 4th, '10, 13:38 QUOTE

    i asked for a cpma duel, if you are still to scared, just stfu ;)

  54. 54#  frnk
    May 4th, '10, 21:23 QUOTE

    stop cheating :o

  55. 55#  umm.what?
    May 5th, '10, 02:46 QUOTE

    spare account who are you? you have my records!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  56. 56#  albion
    May 5th, '10, 09:29 QUOTE

    spare account who are you? you have my records!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It's lith obviously :p you know, the guy who made records with your account.

  57. May 6th, '10, 16:33 QUOTE

    those who CAN play on mdd servers... stop cheating/scripting/whining plz... there r persons unable to play properly online... all can be done is to watch u all arguing and search hard for incredible demos...:(

  58. 58#  NoNaJIkaW
    May 7th, '10, 18:05 QUOTE

    el stupido!

  59. May 10th, '10, 03:15 QUOTE


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