This was a joke for April fools day
Yesterday, we finally decided on banning TimerResets altogether. People started to abuse timer resets. On map that are obviously not intended to be reset(like boris_pie in vq3). It's banned in the DFWC for a reason. It is just the source of pointless grinding.
I know I said, I'd not ban timer resets. Well, Khetti was right after all, I guess.
Instead of going the long way of relinking the start timer with a delay of -1 we just send a "kill" command when we detect the timer reset.
This can be abused on very short maps, though. But it turned out to be a better fix than expected. I am a bit short on time until I finish my diploma thesis but I promise to do the relinking way to fix all timers properly.
Maybe BeRsErKeR helps to fix the mod so we don't have to do it in the server.

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