DFWC site

The main database server has been moved to another data center.
Sorry about the unannounced downtime.

Posted by  <hk>
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9 Responses to "moving the database server"

  1. Jun 22nd, '10, 20:12 QUOTE

    downloading maps seem to be taking forever. i'm only getting 50 kb/s right now.

  2. 2#  <hk>
    Jun 27th, '10, 20:51 QUOTE

    How about playing pings on 2337, vq3 I, cpm I and fastcaps?

  3. 3#  albion
    Jun 27th, '10, 22:04 QUOTE

    How about playing pings on 2337, vq3 I, cpm I and fastcaps?

    haven't had any complaints so far :s neither with the mapdownloading

  4. Jun 28th, '10, 04:23 QUOTE

    How about playing pings on 2337, vq3 I, cpm I and fastcaps?

    haven't had any complaints so far :s neither with the mapdownloading

    server pings are fine for me. i was only having problems with downloading maps. however i think the issue resolved itself as of today. speeds seem to be back to normal.

  5. Jun 28th, '10, 22:06 QUOTE

    I can't download maps at all from q3a.ath.cx .. I get this message ''503 Service Unavailable''

  6. Jun 28th, '10, 22:26 QUOTE

    Can't download with dfengine aswell.. When the download is about to start i get kicked back to menu. :(

  7. 7#  <hk>
    Jun 28th, '10, 22:38 QUOTE

    I can't download maps at all from q3a.ath.cx .. I get this message ''503 Service Unavailable''

    You get that when you try to download a map more than once.

  8. 8#  Phoenix
    Jun 28th, '10, 23:54 QUOTE

    I can't download maps at all from q3a.ath.cx .. I get this message ''503 Service Unavailable''

    You get that when you try to download a map more than once.

    It happens even if you don't download it though. If you accidentally cancel the download and try to click it again this can happen because simply clicking the link registers as a download click.

  9. Aug 20th, '24, 11:42 QUOTE

    To move a database server, first back up your data and configuration settings. spectrum tv billing issues Shut down the server, then physically relocate it to the new location. Reconnect all hardware and network components. Restore the database from backups, update configurations as needed, and test thoroughly to ensure proper functionality and connectivity.

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