DFWC site

It has been announced in the forum for some time now.
Now it's official. Walllingering is banned. Times that have been set using this bug will be removed.

Posted by  <hk>
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6 Responses to "Change of Rules: Walllingering(Wallbug) banned"

  1. Sep 26th, '13, 10:47 QUOTE


  2. 2#  
    Sep 26th, '13, 14:54 QUOTE

    If u cannot remove the botted times on st1, how can u remove ALL wb'ed times?

  3. 3#  wat
    Sep 26th, '13, 18:52 QUOTE

    SDC30 plz

  4. 4#  wat
    Jan 11th, '14, 20:29 QUOTE

    ''Times that have been set using this bug will be removed.' ye fucking right

  5. 5#  soniya
    May 11th, '24, 06:50 QUOTE

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  6. Sep 4th, '24, 02:23 QUOTE


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