DFWC site

Since the new server binary is so stable, it is now running on all mDd servers.
Next up:
-> New start page ([userid=11])
-> Demo upload ([userid=11])
-> ELO Ranking ([userid=3])

Posted by  <hk>
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11 Responses to "Done with the servers"

  1. Aug 8th, '08, 23:58 QUOTE

    oic ^1:)

  2. Aug 9th, '08, 00:04 QUOTE


  3. Aug 9th, '08, 00:29 QUOTE


  4. 4#  Yotoon!
    Aug 9th, '08, 17:08 QUOTE

    GL! :)

  5. 5#  [gt]glm
    Aug 9th, '08, 18:41 QUOTE

    camon evri badi

  6. 6#  cLd
    Aug 10th, '08, 18:26 QUOTE

    :) Me like this!!111

  7. 7#  aadad
    Aug 10th, '08, 20:29 QUOTE


  8. 8#  fLk
    Aug 11th, '08, 13:59 QUOTE

    when start ELO?

  9. 9#  <hk>
    Aug 11th, '08, 15:24 QUOTE

    It delays 1 day for every time i get asked for it.

  10. 10#  cLd
    Aug 11th, '08, 20:43 QUOTE

    n00b falky :-)!!

  11. 11#  fLk
    Aug 17th, '08, 15:42 QUOTE

    thenx friend :(

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