9260#[dflith]He doesn't afraid to speak his mind!
9258#omgwtfbbqWtf berserk ? :P
9255#>Luci<9254#KittenIgnition9253#omgwtfbbq9252#fps*BerserK9251#omgwtfbbq9250#DF/// Arcaoff9249#omgwtfbbq9248#DF/// Arcaoff9247#omgwtfbbq9246#>Luci<home made transformer :) I made every robot from the first movie to the last, TWICE as big! :PpPpP I pulled down my zipper for the same effect. Your vagina is twice as big as her's ? :o It's like throwing a hot dog down a hallway! So, since your's only twice as big and thats what happens, she has to have a pretty big one aswell ?:o hhhshe has to have some black hole down there :O She swallows black hole's for breakfast.
9254#KittenIgnition9253#omgwtfbbq9252#fps*BerserK9251#omgwtfbbq9250#DF/// Arcaoff9249#omgwtfbbq9248#DF/// Arcaoff9247#omgwtfbbq9246#>Luci<home made transformer :) I made every robot from the first movie to the last, TWICE as big! :PpPpP I pulled down my zipper for the same effect. Your vagina is twice as big as her's ? :o It's like throwing a hot dog down a hallway! So, since your's only twice as big and thats what happens, she has to have a pretty big one aswell ?:o hhhshe has to have some black hole down there :O She swallows black hole's for breakfast.
9253#omgwtfbbq9252#fps*BerserK9251#omgwtfbbq9250#DF/// Arcaoff9249#omgwtfbbq9248#DF/// Arcaoff9247#omgwtfbbq9246#>Luci<home made transformer :) I made every robot from the first movie to the last, TWICE as big! :PpPpP I pulled down my zipper for the same effect. Your vagina is twice as big as her's ? :o It's like throwing a hot dog down a hallway! So, since your's only twice as big and thats what happens, she has to have a pretty big one aswell ?:o hhhshe has to have some black hole down there :O She swallows black hole's for breakfast.
9252#fps*BerserK9251#omgwtfbbq9250#DF/// Arcaoff9249#omgwtfbbq9248#DF/// Arcaoff9247#omgwtfbbq9246#>Luci<home made transformer :) I made every robot from the first movie to the last, TWICE as big! :PpPpP I pulled down my zipper for the same effect. Your vagina is twice as big as her's ? :o It's like throwing a hot dog down a hallway! So, since your's only twice as big and thats what happens, she has to have a pretty big one aswell ?:o hhhshe has to have some black hole down there :O
9251#omgwtfbbq9250#DF/// Arcaoff9249#omgwtfbbq9248#DF/// Arcaoff9247#omgwtfbbq9246#>Luci<home made transformer :) I made every robot from the first movie to the last, TWICE as big! :PpPpP I pulled down my zipper for the same effect. Your vagina is twice as big as her's ? :o It's like throwing a hot dog down a hallway! So, since your's only twice as big and thats what happens, she has to have a pretty big one aswell ?:o
9250#DF/// Arcaoff9249#omgwtfbbq9248#DF/// Arcaoff9247#omgwtfbbq9246#>Luci<home made transformer :) I made every robot from the first movie to the last, TWICE as big! :PpPpP I pulled down my zipper for the same effect. Your vagina is twice as big as her's ? :o It's like throwing a hot dog down a hallway!
9249#omgwtfbbq9248#DF/// Arcaoff9247#omgwtfbbq9246#>Luci<home made transformer :) I made every robot from the first movie to the last, TWICE as big! :PpPpP I pulled down my zipper for the same effect. Your vagina is twice as big as her's ? :o
9248#DF/// Arcaoff9247#omgwtfbbq9246#>Luci<home made transformer :) I made every robot from the first movie to the last, TWICE as big! :PpPpP I pulled down my zipper for the same effect.
9247#omgwtfbbq9246#>Luci<home made transformer :) I made every robot from the first movie to the last, TWICE as big! :PpPpP
9246#>Luci<home made transformer :)
9243#[DFMikendo]10/02/2011 21:21 springy 5:50:560 4/19 vq3-run mDd | Defrag VQ3 Runs I 10/04/2011 02:58 5:50:568 5/19 vq3-run GTK Defrag VQ3 framed on hangtime-df lololololol
9239#DF/// ifoojust don't use it ffs
9227#fps*BerserKEh can we finally ban that wallbug, what is ruining all good rankings possible?
9234#[dflith]Wallbug? never heard of it :( but i would probably abuse it anyway since im a filthy cheater
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