DFWC site

Now that the DFWC is finished there is a need for the next.
No DFWC can happen without the invaluable work mappers from all over the world put in to make DFWC grade maps.
We need you once again!
Are you a mapper that has a good idea and want your map be part of the DFWC?
Now is your chance.

We also need somebody to coordinate among mappers and test-players.
Last time GNJ burned countless hours to organise pretty much all of the DFWC. Unfortunately he is not available this time around. Maybe you can fill his shoes by your self or with some friends.
Leave a comment or drop us a message via the form at the bottom of the page.

Posted by  <hk>
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41 Responses to "Defrag World Cup 2016 call for maps"

  1. 1#  lith
    Jan 6th, '16, 08:21 QUOTE

    oooh sheeeit

  2. Jan 6th, '16, 13:46 QUOTE

    sounds promising!

  3. Jan 7th, '16, 05:23 QUOTE

    Maybe me? :-)

  4. Jan 7th, '16, 08:06 QUOTE

    I'm in!

  5. Jan 7th, '16, 10:39 QUOTE

    woo o/ Good luck mappers.

  6. Jan 7th, '16, 19:03 QUOTE

    time to find teammate :)

  7. 7#  lith
    Jan 7th, '16, 20:19 QUOTE

    bazz ditched me :'(

  8. Jan 7th, '16, 22:28 QUOTE

    Cool news! I hope to find some time to make a suitable map for this

  9. Jan 8th, '16, 08:32 QUOTE

    Time to learn how to play =)
    Cant wait DFWC 2016 XD

  10. 10#  xlarve
    Jan 13th, '16, 16:47 QUOTE

    Im as mapper immer bereit.
    Have a several parts (pieces) of new maps

  11. Jan 30th, '16, 23:58 QUOTE

    i wait DFWC 2016 :)

  12. 12#  lith
    Jan 31st, '16, 01:03 QUOTE

    me wait too

  13. 13#  dqopb
    Feb 1st, '16, 11:19 QUOTE

    I predict that Zerg won't make a map again, but will blame all other mappers.
    Or he may make a cpm-biased map with a few secrets that only undead players will know.

    If Ghost provides any maps again, please have another mapper inspect them thoroughly in regards to trigger/brush holes (remember dfwc2012-0, 2012-3 and 2014-3).

    Hope Morbus comes around and makes another great dfwc map.
    Other mappers are also welcome of course, good luck everyone!

  14. 14#  [gt]tech
    Feb 1st, '16, 15:49 QUOTE

    im in! try to do something good =)

    a deadline for the submission of the map project?

  15. 15#  moko
    Feb 3rd, '16, 16:51 QUOTE

    I'm in. Prepare yourself. Hope and Despair. :o)

  16. 16#  cheri
    Feb 4th, '16, 11:32 QUOTE

    If you have a gameplay only map and need it to be brushworked(make it look good), contact me! :)

  17. 17#  xt4zy
    Feb 10th, '16, 12:17 QUOTE

    interesting )) i'm in!

  18. 18#  wubwub
    Feb 10th, '16, 14:38 QUOTE

    dqopb didnt blow me the fuck out


  19. 19#  Bliccer
    Mar 30th, '16, 21:48 QUOTE

    Looking forward to see some neat demos and the dfwc recap videos =)

  20. 20#  dead eye
    Mar 31st, '16, 08:57 QUOTE

    dqopb there is a Zerg who plays quake III arena don't know if it's him though...XD I just want to play btw I don't know how to make map

  21. Apr 9th, '16, 18:11 QUOTE


  22. 22#  podval
    Apr 12th, '16, 20:04 QUOTE


  23. 23#  <)Ghost(>
    Apr 13th, '16, 10:37 QUOTE

    if anyone has part of a map you dont want to finish pass it along to me, otherwise dont expect any maps from me.

  24. 24#  lardnicus
    Apr 20th, '16, 12:24 QUOTE

  25. Apr 20th, '16, 13:32 QUOTE

    What about n1k?
    He would do some map for sure.

  26. 26#  rOOt
    Apr 20th, '16, 14:54 QUOTE

    yeah, a n1k map would be awesome!

  27. 27#  lith
    May 20th, '16, 17:06 QUOTE

    Is this happening or w0t?

  28. 28#  WeBaS
    May 28th, '16, 11:27 QUOTE

    I could join if i would be well informed when it happens so i dont miss out.. and i would require some guy who would test my map somehow and not allow me to quit before releasing map Lol

  29. Jun 24th, '16, 10:54 QUOTE

    hi where there is a special forum for maps dfwc2016???

  30. 30#  XVIII
    Jun 30th, '16, 13:16 QUOTE

    Is this happening or w0t? [2]

  31. 31#  |PsY|Sav.
    Aug 11th, '16, 14:21 QUOTE

    How much time remaining until dfwc? Map-Einsendeschluss?

  32. 32#  lith
    Aug 11th, '16, 14:24 QUOTE

    dfwc 2017 map call

  33. 33#  dux
    Sep 2nd, '16, 01:33 QUOTE

    Nice news) go dfwc2016

  34. 34#  PopeJo
    Sep 20th, '16, 15:44 QUOTE

    woha, pls make this happen :o

  35. 35#  <)Ghost(>
    Sep 30th, '16, 14:12 QUOTE

    dfwc 2017 map call

  36. 36#  lith
    Sep 30th, '16, 14:37 QUOTE

    dfwc dream is deaded =/

  37. 37#  xlarve
    Sep 30th, '16, 20:30 QUOTE

    元日や 思へばさびし 秋の暮
    芭蕉 (1683)

  38. Oct 5th, '16, 20:40 QUOTE

    Thank you for participating in the DFWC2016. 42?i is the winner in cpm and vq3 physics. Good luck at 2017 ;)

  39. Dec 28th, '16, 00:26 QUOTE

    DFWC 2016 RIP =(

  40. 40#  |PsY|Sav.
    Apr 15th, '17, 03:44 QUOTE

    Dont worry. Good things last longer

  41. 41#  soniya
    May 18th, '24, 06:06 QUOTE

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