Over the past few weeks more and more people complained about cheaters. Since we finally have some time at our hands(nightmare is done with his training and i am done with this semester's tests) we decided on doing something about it. Since requesting demos via email takes ages we will make our own demos:
How we do it
We are currently writing a server patch that enables us to record demos on the server. This means everyone will be spectated by the server itself. If the player scores a time the demo will be saved. These demos will be checked by a program. Demos that seem to be OK will be deleted automatically.Suspicious demos reported by said program will be watched by me.
Who watches them?
Server demos won't be given out. We just keep them as proof. No defrag player will see them. Your routes stay secret.
Confirmed cheating leads to account deletion.
The recording is not active jet, but will be very soon.
OK, now is the time for some whining.

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