Hello all, there was recently a backend bug in the q3df.org server that caused many users to lose access to their account. If this is happening to you:
1. Click 'forgot my password'
2. Enter your username (from your login bind) and it will email you a link.
3. Click the link. Once it loads, you will receive another email with your new password.
If this doesn't work or you do not have access to the email you used to register anymore DM either me (frog#1459) or cmc (cmc#9503) through discord, or email me at hadesoa@live.com with:
- your username
- the email you think is tied to your account
Reminder that DFWC round 1's demos are due in about 24 hours from the time of this post, and you will not be able to submit without access to your account.

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