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Wiki > Defrag Documentation > VarMath    


  1. Information
  2. Usage Examples
  3. Immediate Var Updates
  4. Config Variables
  5. Before/After
  6. Additional Information
  7. History

varMath [ FORMAT: varname operator(+-/%=) value <operator(+-/%=) value> ]

1. Information

Performs math on variables. Useful for creating binds without the necessity of multiple vstrs and vstr swaps. Valid operators are "+ - * / % =".

varMath performs string math (+ or =) if old or new values are strings.

Note that varMath can use $StringSubstitution - you can specify a vstr name instead of a value, and the value stored in the vstr will be used.

Performs math on up to 25 operators/vars.

NOTE: The order of operations sets the precedence, not the operators themselves.

Therefore: varMath 7 + 3 + 10 / 5 is processed as (7 + 3 + 10) / 5 = 20 / 5 = 4

NOT: 7 + 3 + (10 / 5) = 7 + 3 + 2 = 12

So, the above formula is better written as: varMath 10 / 5 + 7 + 3 (which WILL = 12)

WARNING: the format must be adhered to, in regards to the varname operator sequence. Having 2 varnames or 2 operators in sequence will not work (INCORRECT: varMath = 25 + * 10)

2. Usage Examples

\varMath r_gamma + .1   // adds .1 to the current r_gamma value
\varMath timescale - .1 // subtracts .1 from the current timescale value

\varMath user_string1 = "hello"  // user_string1 now contains "hello"
\varMath user_string1 + " there" // user_string1 now contains "hello there"

\set user_value1 100
\set user_value2 50
\varMath user_number1 = user_value1 // user_number1 is now 100
\varMath user_number1 + user_value2 // user_number1 is now 150

\varMath user_number2 = 10 / 5 + 7 + 3 // user_number2 is now 12

\varMath user_demoname = $mapname + _ + $time + _ + $playername // user_demoname is now "q3dm17_1246125_o3j" // assuming ozone is playing dm17 ;)

\varMath ? // displays ingame help

3. Immediate Var Updates

WARNING/IMPORTANT: There is a delay between issuing a console command to q3, and the actual command being executed. This means that changing a var with varMath may be delayed. There is a way around this issue: prefix all of your user created vars with "user_". This will tell the system that these vars should be updated as soon as possible.

Example of a delay (using varMath):

We want to create a string to contain the mapname and a number afterwards (q3dm17_1)

\set MyNumber "0"     // MyNumber = 0
\varMath MyNumber+ 1; varMath MyDemoNam = $mapname + _ + $MyNumber // MyDemoName = q3dm17_0, we wanted q3dm17_1

Now, what we want is "q3dm17_1". But, because of the delay in updating MyNumber, we get "q3dm17_0", since MyNumber is late in getting updated, the next call to varMath uses MyNumber with the value of "0", when we wanted "1" to be used.


If we use the "user_" prefix for the vars we create, varMath will update these vars immediately (no delay) and we can use these values in subsequent calls to varMath, etc.

\set user_MyNumber "0"     // user_MyNumber = 0
\varMath user_MyNumber + 1; varMath user_MyDemoName = $mapname + _ + $user_MyNumber // user_MyDemoName = q3dm17_1, exactly what we wanted

4. Config Variables

Uses the df_varHelpers_DrawOutput variable when displaying the result of using this command. Use the df_varHelpers_DrawOutput variable to change the color/output style for varCycle

\df_varHelpers_DrawOutput [ DEFAULT: 1 RANGE: 0 TO 8 STEP: INTEGER ]

Changes the color/output style for all varHelper commands (varMath, varValueMath, varCycle, varValueCycle)

0 = Off

1 = Normal Output Style 1: All white output

2 = CHS0 Output Style 1: Uses CHS0 set colors (fontcolor, labelcolor)

3 = CHS1 Output Style 1: Uses CHS1 set colors (fontcolor, labelcolor)

4 = CHS2 Output Style 1: Uses CHS2 set colors (fontcolor, labelcolor)

5 = NORMAL Output Style 2: All white output

6 = CHS0 Output Style 2: Uses CHS0 set colors (fontcolor, labelcolor)

7 = CHS1 Output Style 2: Uses CHS1 set colors (fontcolor, labelcolor)

8 = CHS2 Output Style 2: Uses CHS2 set colors (fontcolor, labelcolor)

5. Before/After

(Old style config to increase or decrease timescale:)

bind KP_MINUS "vstr v_timescale_dec"
bind KP_PLUS  "vstr v_timescale_inc"

set v_timescale_00 "set v_timescale_dec vstr v_timescale_09; set v_timescale_inc vstr v_timescale_01; timescale 00.1; echo TIMESCALE --> 00.1"
set v_timescale_01 "set v_timescale_dec vstr v_timescale_00; set v_timescale_inc vstr v_timescale_02; timescale 00.2; echo TIMESCALE --> 00.2"
set v_timescale_02 "set v_timescale_dec vstr v_timescale_01; set v_timescale_inc vstr v_timescale_03; timescale 00.3; echo TIMESCALE --> 00.3"
set v_timescale_03 "set v_timescale_dec vstr v_timescale_02; set v_timescale_inc vstr v_timescale_04; timescale 00.4; echo TIMESCALE --> 00.4"
set v_timescale_04 "set v_timescale_dec vstr v_timescale_03; set v_timescale_inc vstr v_timescale_05; timescale 00.5; echo TIMESCALE --> 00.5"
set v_timescale_05 "set v_timescale_dec vstr v_timescale_04; set v_timescale_inc vstr v_timescale_06; timescale 00.6; echo TIMESCALE --> 00.6"
set v_timescale_06 "set v_timescale_dec vstr v_timescale_05; set v_timescale_inc vstr v_timescale_07; timescale 00.7; echo TIMESCALE --> 00.7"
set v_timescale_07 "set v_timescale_dec vstr v_timescale_06; set v_timescale_inc vstr v_timescale_08; timescale 00.8; echo TIMESCALE --> 00.8"
set v_timescale_08 "set v_timescale_dec vstr v_timescale_07; set v_timescale_inc vstr v_timescale_09; timescale 00.9; echo TIMESCALE --> 00.9"
set v_timescale_09 "set v_timescale_dec vstr v_timescale_08; set v_timescale_inc vstr v_timescale_10; timescale 01.0; echo TIMESCALE --> 01.0"
set v_timescale_dec_def vstr v_timescale_09
set v_timescale_inc_def vstr v_timescale_00
set v_timescale_dec vstr v_timescale_dec_def
set v_timescale_inc vstr v_timescale_inc_def
set v_timescale_reset "set v_timescale_dec vstr v_timescale_dec_def; set v_timescale_inc vstr v_timescale_inc_def; vstr v_timescale_inc_def"

(New style:)

bind KP_MINUS "varMath timescale - .1"
bind KP_PLUS  "varMath timescale + .1"

6. Additional Information

Due to the way quake3 handles converting strings to floating point numbers internally, some floating point rounding errors can occur. For instance, adding .1 to a variable (say 1) 4 times may result in the following values: 1.1, 1.2, 1.29999, 1.39999

See the documentation on StringSubs for more information on how to use the $StringSubs feature.

7. History


  • Now handles up to 25 operators/vars
  • Perform string math (set or concatenate) if old or new values are strings, by using the + or = operators
  • % (modulus) operator added
  • $StringSubtitution added
  • Added ingame help
  • "user_" prefix required for immediate var updates
  • Fix: cheat


  • Feature introduced