varFormat [ FORMAT: varname format1 value1 <format2> <value2> ]
1. Information
Formats cvars and vstrs, using format strings. Optionally joins 2 strings.
s = string
i = integer number
f = float number
varFormat uses the "format specifiers" shown above (s, i, f) to change a string. Format specifiers are used to indicate the variable type and variable length of the variable that you are changing.
To use the format specifiers, indicate a number and a format type. You can precede the number with a "0" to indicate that the variable you are changing should be prefixed with a "0"s to "fill out" the length of the string.
So, using:
6i would mean that the variable you are formatting will be an integer, at most 6 characters long.
06i would mean taht the variable you are formatting will be an integer, and will always be 6 characters long, and prefixed with 0s if necessary.
2. Usage Examples
\varFormat user_float1 2.2f 98.765 // sets var to 98.76
\varFormat user_int1 06i 987 // sets var to 000987
\varFormat user_string1 s Demo 06i 987 // sets var to Demo000987
\set chInfoNum 108 // sets chInfoNum to 108 (date in YYYYMMDD format)
\varFormat user_string2 s Demo i $chInfo // sets var to DemoYYYYMMDD (today's date)
3. Immediate Var Updates
WARNING/IMPORTANT: There is a delay between issuing a console command to q3, and the actual command being executed. This means that changing a var with varMath may be delayed. There is a way around this issue: prefix all of your user created vars with "user_". This will tell the system that these vars should be updated as soon as possible.
Example of a delay (using varMath):
We want to create a string to contain the mapname and a number afterwards (q3dm17_1)
\set MyNumber "0" // MyNumber = 0
\varMath MyNumber+ 1; varMath MyDemoNam = $mapname + _ + $MyNumber // MyDemoName = q3dm17_0, we wanted q3dm17_1
Now, what we want is "q3dm17_1". But, because of the delay in updating MyNumber, we get "q3dm17_0", since MyNumber is late in getting updated, the next call to varMath uses MyNumber with the value of "0", when we wanted "1" to be used.
If we use the "user_" prefix for the vars we create, varMath will update these vars immediately (no delay) and we can use these values in subsequent calls to varMath, etc.
\set user_MyNumber "0" // user_MyNumber = 0
\varMath user_MyNumber + 1; varMath user_MyDemoName = $mapname + _ + $user_MyNumber // user_MyDemoName = q3dm17_1, exactly what we wanted
4. History
1.90 - Feature introduced